Losing Weight to Keep it OFF!

How does The Diet Solution Work?

We want to teach you how to lose 3-10 lbs in one week and then achieve consistent continued weight loss thereafter until you have the body you have always wanted. Results are typical - you will finally have the answers you need to see some actual progress.

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Sugar is your enemy! Notice we did not say carbs. Actually...sugar and carbs are different. You body needs carbs to function properly but the type of carbs you consume is very important to your overall metabolism. When you eat the wrong foods (the bad carbs), your body will overproduce a chemical called insulin which exists to help lower your blood sugar. This is a key component to why so many diets fail. For example, you eat some bad carbs and your blood sugar level sores up. Your body then releases a great deal of insulin to break down the sugars. This is when you go into fat storing mode. The insulin then takes your body sugar from an extreme high to an extreme low which is what causes people to crash...leaving them feeling hungry and craving more sugar. Once you eat more sugar, you are right back in the vicious cycle and your body is then constantly storing fat! It is hard to break that cycle when you continue to crave more sugar. Consider these inconsistent levels of blood sugar as a big schoolyard bully and your metabolism as the victim.

Learn more about  the effects of insulin and blood sugar on your metabolism.

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